Saturday, February 15, 2014

Community Love During Beach Disaster

On New Year's Day a section of privately owned dock decided it was sick and tired of never being allowed to leave home so it hatched a plan to leave on a little trip to see the world. With its two best boat friends attached securely to its sides, the dock set off for the open sea. It wasn't long before the Coast Guard came and rescued the two boats from this crazy journey but the dock was left to its own devices and days later it washed ashore on a small beach surrounded by cliffs. The ocean had been cruel and by the time it could turn back, it had been ripped into five large pieces.

It sounds like there is some disagreement as to how this was allowed to transpire and I don't know the whole story but somewhere along the way there was a failure. That dock never should have been left to drift. There was and is outrage that this happened but that was pushed aside as Lighthouse Beach was facing an even larger problem. As the ocean waves rolled in and repeatedly hammered the dock, the styrofoam began to come apart. What was once a large piece of polystyrene foam on the underside of the dock became millions of tiny white balls, blowing in the wind, polluting the beach, and threatening the well being of local wildlife.

Even though the circumstances are awful and the task seems insurmountable, I am again reminded of what a wonderful community I live in. Volunteers have been out there rain or shine bagging foam for weeks now. The local brewery posted about it on their facebook page and last Sunday there were 40+ volunteers on the beach with colanders from their kitchens sifting sand. People were making new friends, sharing stories, brainstorming ideas on how to do this more efficiently, and just loving on their community. Although I was only able to participate for a little while before my pain level became more than I could bear, seeing our community in action, coming together, and fighting for our beautiful public lands is something that will never get old. Thanks for adding yet another reason to be proud of you, Coos Bay.

Click here for photos of the devastation this has caused to Lighthouse Beach.

If anyone is available Sunday 2/16 from 10-12 volunteers will be at it again and 7 Devils Brewing Co. has donated a keg to help along the effort. Bring your colander and a cup for the beer. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It's amazing that your community came together like that.
